Wednesday, May 21, 2008

What was I thinking?

Why did I think it was a good idea to greet the man doing the HIP report with the words 'Hello, it's freezing, isn't it?' when I was standing inside the house?


Mean Mom said...

Probably the same as I was thinking, when I set off for a friend's house today, and rang her neighbour's doorbell, instead! I've only been visiting my friend, at the same house, for about 17 years!

Thanks for visiting my site.

Milla said...

great blog, hopped here from somewhere random and devoured the lot greedily. Love the wine glass, appeals to the lazy girl in me (a large beast) and not merely the wine pig. And love lurch's match fit, Nev.

blogthatmama said...

Thanks very much for visiting Milla and Mean Mom, looking forward to reading more of your blogs in the future. Milla you've just really put me off buying a dog though!!